Iowa MENTOR features successful matches on a regular basis.We reach out to outstanding, real life mentors and mentees when available to conduct a conversational interview to share how their relationship has impacted them both.

Some examples of success stories submitted in quarterly reports are provided below.

From Fort Dodge Foster Grandparents

"Over 90% of the children who worked with Foster Grandparents this year met or exceeded social or educational goals set for them by their school."

From Great River Youth Mentoring

"At the end of the school year, we took a group of Bigs and Littles to the Coralville, Iowa skating rink for the day. While we were there, we went to Build-A-Bear Workshop, where each Little chose an animal to build. We then went to Barnes and Noble, where each Little picked out 2 books each. This was the first time in a large Book Store for many of our kids. We had a blast!"

From Mentor Connection for Delaware County

"Today Karly and I got together, she asked me how long we would be matched, I told her after our first year is completed we can decide if we want to continue being matched and as long as we both answered yes, we could be together as long as we wanted to be." She was sweet and said, "Wouldn't it be neat if we were still doing things together when I was 16!" mentee - 10 years old."

From Youth Experiencing Success

"There is a boy in our program whose Mentor has signed him up for camp this summer and he is so excited as he has never been able to attend a camp before."