Each year Volunteer Iowa grants and administers around $8 million of AmeriCorps State funding in Iowa through a competitive grant process. Programs may be awarded funding at the national level (through competitive funding) or state level (through formula funding).


  • Volunteer Iowa posts its Requests for Applications for AmeriCorps State on this webpage.
  • The Iowa application materials are based on the AmeriCorps State and National notices of funding opportunity and application instructions, but organizations that wish to operate an AmeriCorps State program solely within Iowa must follow the Volunteer Iowa application process.

Contact Volunteer Iowa at americorps@volunteeriowa.org with questions about the AmeriCorps State application process.

2024-2025 Iowa AmeriCorps State Funding Opportunity

The Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service (Volunteer Iowa) is pleased to announce a Request for Applications for Iowa AmeriCorps State opportunities in 2024-2025.

2024-2025 Program Year Funding Announcement

Due Dates for the application process depend on the type of applicant and funding requested:

Due dates
ItemCompetitive & Public Health Continuation Key DatesFormula Key Dates
Pre-Application due to
Volunteer Iowa
Current grantees: October 6,
Current grantees: October 6, 2023
New and Planning applicants: January 19, 2024
Final Applications &
Supporting Documents due to Volunteer Iowa
Competitive & Public Health Continuation: November 17,
Current grantees: January 26, 2024
New and Planning applicants: March 8, 2024

2024-2025 Application Materials

RFA Appendices:

  1. Pre-Application Materials
    1. Pre-Application Instructions & Survey for RECOMPETING & CONTINUATION Applicants
    2. Pre-Application Instructions & Worksheet for NEW Applicants
    3. Pre-Application Instructions & Worksheet for PLANNING Applicants
    4. Volunteer Iowa Maximum Slot Request Limit Policy and Procedures
  2. Review Criteria & Final Application Instructions
    1. COMPETITIVE Review Criteria & Final Application Instructions
    2. CONTINUATION Review Criteria & Final Application Instructions
    3. FORMULA Review Criteria & Final Application Instructions
    4. PLANNING Review Criteria & Final Application Instructions
  3. AmeriCorps State and National Mandatory Supplemental Information
  4. AmeriCorps State and National Performance Measure Instructions

RFA Attachments:

  1. Alignment with Volunteer Iowa Priorities Form
  2. Applicant Operational and Financial Management Survey
  3. eGrants Indirect Cost Rate User Instructions
  4. AmeriCorps State and National Evaluation Plan Template
  5. Logic Model Template
  6. Application eGrants Narrative Template
  7. eGrants Performance Measure Module Instructions for Operational Grants
  8. eGrants Performance Measure Module Instructions for Planning Grants
  9. Detailed Budget Instructions for Cost Reimbursement
  10. Cost Reimbursement Budget Worksheet
  11. Detailed Budget Instructions for Fixed Amount Grants
  12. Fixed Cost Budget Worksheet
  13. Budget Checklist
  14. Volunteer Iowa Fee Calculation Guide
  15. Final Application Checklist
  16. Detailed Budget Instructions for Planning Grants
  17. Planning Grant Budget Worksheet
  18. Applicant Guide & FAQs

2024-2025 Training & Technical Assistance

Volunteer Iowa will be offering two office hours for competitive applicants to meet with staff to discuss written clarifications. Program staff and fiscal staff are invited to drop in at anytime during the hours listed below to discuss Volunteer Iowa’s application clarifications. You'll have a chance to move into a breakout room to discuss your budget items and/or a breakout room to discuss narrative/programmatic aspects of the application. 

National Direct Consultation

Volunteer Iowa participates in the AmeriCorps National Direct Consultation process coordinated by America’s Service Commissions (ASC).  Any AmeriCorps National Direct program proposing to operate in Iowa is asked to complete the form found on ASC’s consultation page.