Volunteer Iowa supports AmeriCorps members in Iowa with training opportunities, recognition events, and networking contacts. We can also help with questions related to your AmeriCorps benefits.

Join our AmeriCorps Alums e-mail list!


AmeriCorps member benefits interact with other public benefits in a variety of ways. The interaction depends on the individual public benefits in question and in which branch of AmeriCorps the member is serving (AmeriCorps State/National, NCCC, or VISTA). If you have questions about public benefits, please contact your program director.

Members/alum may also be able to find more resources in your area using the findhelp.org. Enter your zip code to find food assistance, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program

Mental Health Resources

  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255​
  • NAMI Crisis hotlines:
    • Dallas County 24/7 1-844-428-3878
    • Warren County 24/7 1-844-258-8858
  • Crisis Text Line 24/7: HOME to 741741 to connect to a counselor
  • SAMHSA Disaster Distress helpline 24/7 365 days: 1-800-985-5990
  • Mental Health - Your Life Iowa Statewide Crisis Line (855) 581-8111
  • Mental Health America has some great information and resources


AmeriCorps State and National members are required to receive training in certain subject matters such as Civic Engagement, Disaster Response, Communication, and Life-After AmeriCorps. In addition to trainings provided by their program, members are also invited to attend Volunteer Iowa supported trainings. Contact your program director to find out about upcoming training events, or visit the professional development section of our website.


We're proud of the service that all of our AmeriCorps members provide! Your contributions make our state a better place for all Iowans. See below for more information about how we work to make sure you are recognized for your service.

AmeriCorps Week: Volunteer Iowa helps organize AmeriCorps Week activities each spring. AmeriCorps Week is a time to recognize your service and let other people know about the great things you are doing as an AmeriCorps member. Check out the AmeriCorps Week page for more information about events in Iowa and nationwide.

National Service Impact Awards: AmeriCorps has a program to recognize outstanding AmeriCorps members and alumni. The recipients exemplify the best in national and community service in the key issue areas of the Serve America Act and disaster services. Visit the AmeriCorps website to find out how to nominate one of your fellow AmeriCorps members, or other national service representatives, for the National Service Impact Awards.

State Volunteer Recognition Programs: Volunteer Iowa coordinates the state of Iowa’s two most prestigious volunteer recognition programs: The Governor's Volunteer Awards, and the Iowa Volunteer Hall of Fame. Both programs allow organizations to nominate their national service members for special recognition.


Some AmeriCorps members serve in a large program or side by side in a team. Others of you might be the only AmeriCorps member in your organization or your community. Either way, we want you to be connected to the world of national service and to others who can relate to your AmeriCorps experience. Keep reading below for ideas about how to connect with other members.

Facebook and LinkedIn groups are a great way to find out about current activities across Iowa's various AmeriCorps programs. Contact us to get connected locally.

Another way to connect with both current members and alums is to participate in activities organized by AmeriCorps Alums chapters. AmeriCorps Alums is an organization of former national service members from all three branches of AmeriCorps. Find members with whom you served, meet other alums in your area, and stay engaged in service issues. Currently, there are AmeriCorps Alums chapters registered in Des Moines, the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City corridor, and the Quad Cities.